Albert Bell Site (14SD305,) Cottonwood Ranch (14SD327)-2002
The field school returned to two sites partially excavated in 1990. The focus at Cottonwood Ranch, a 19th century sheep ranch, was to search for the remains of a turn-of-the-century icehouse. A trash dump was found that contained Pratt family artifacts. An Upper Republican earthlodge yard and midden was investigated at the Albert Bell Site, which was occupied for a short time more than 500 years ago.
138 volunteers contributed 5,472 hours
Reports: Mary Conrad (2002) “2002 KATP Returns to Albert Bell Site and Cottonwood Ranch,” and “Many Activities Accompany Field School,” Kansas Preservation 24(4):1-7; Anita Frank (2002), “Help for Museums with Small Budgets,” Kansas Preservation 24(4):6; Donna Roper (2002), “Research Answers Lingering Questions about Prehistoric Sheridan County Farmstead,” Kansas Preservation 24(5):11-13; Jade Hisey (2002) “A Mysterious Sheep at Cottonwood Ranch,” Kansas Preservation 24(5):14; Marsha K. King (2002) “In Search of the Pratt’s Icehouse,” Kansas Preservation 25(1):1, 3-6