Albert Bell Site (14SD305), Cottonwood Ranch (14SD327)-1990

Albert Bell Site is an earthlodge habitation site culturally affiliated with Middle Ceramic period Upper Republican peoples

Cottonwood Ranch 19th century sheep ranch constructed (1885-1896), outbuildings (built 1891-1892), symbolize English settlement and ranching on the High Plains in northwest Kansas, operated as Cottonwood Ranch State Historic Site by the Kansas Historical Society, listed in the National Register of Historic Places

120 volunteers contributed 6,200 hours

Reports: William B. Lees (1990) “Report: 1990 Kansas Archeology Training Program,” KAA Newsletter 2(4):1-3; William B. Lees and John D. Reynolds (1991) “History and Prehistory the Subject of Sheridan County Expedition” Kansas Preservation 13(4):1-4; Anonymous (1990) “1990 Dig and Training Program” KAA Newsletter 2(3): 2-8