Billy Dixon’s Whisky Ranch (14EL311)
The Billy Dixon Whisky Ranch trading post was established as a waystation and supply post along the Saline River in 1870. This site is the possible location of the ranch.
140 volunteers contributed 6,100 hours, 57 participants were new to the program
Reports: Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2013) “Stock Up on Archeology at the Billy Dixon Trading Post” Kansas Preservation 35(1):18-20; Steven R. Roberts (2013) “KATP Excavations at Whisky Ranch (14EL311) Summary and Observations” Kansas Preservation 35(3):12-15; Steven R. Roberts (2013) “KATP Excavations at Whisky Ranch (14EL 311): A Brief Summary” KAA Newsletter 25(3):6; Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2013) “Evaluation of the 2013 KATP Field School” KAA Newsletter 25(3):6-10; Marsha King (2013) “Classes at the 2013 KATP” KAA Newsletter 25(3):10-11; Mary Conrad (2013) “Field Labs at 2013 KATP” and Evening Programs at the 2013 KATP” KAA Newsletter 25(3):14-17, 19-22; Nancy Arendt (2013) “Smoky Hill Trail Survey in Ellis County” KAA Newsletter 25(3):18-19; Steven R. Roberts (2014) “Investigations at 14EL311, Ellis County, Kansas: Presumed Location of Billy Dixon’s Whisky Ranch.” The Kansas Anthropologist 35:62-110