Booth Site (14CM406)

A Middle Ceramic period Wilmore complex site.

130 volunteers contributed 5,590 hours

Reports: Randall Thies (1989) “Plans for the 1989 Kansas Archeology Training Program” Journal of the KAA 9(8): 151-164; William B. Lees and John D. Reynolds (1989) “Fifteenth Annual Training Program Dig Held in Comanche County” Kansas Preservation 11(6):6-7; William B. Lees (1990) Chronological Placement of the Booth Site: Implications for the Wilmore Complex and Southern Plains Culture History Report on file, archeology office, Kansas Historical Society; Martin Stein (1991) “Booth Site Provides Preservation Example” Kansas Preservation 13(2):5-7; Anonymous (1991) “Fall Fling Planned for September [work on Booth artifacts]” KAA Newsletter 3(4): 2; C. Tod Bevitt (1999) “An Archeologist’s Notebook: The Wilmore Complex of the Middle Ceramic Period on the Southern High Plains of South-Central and Southwest Kansas,” Kansas Preservation 21(1):5-7, 12; Ken Sherraden (1993) “Notes on the Local Environment and a Preliminary Site Catchment for the Booth Site, 14CM406” The Kansas Anthropologist 14(1):6-12; C. Tod Bevitt (1999) “Life on the High Plains Border: Archeological Investigation of Three Late Prehistoric Habitation Sites in Southwest Kansas” The Kansas Anthropologist 20:1-106 and (2001) “Cache or Trash? The Characteristics of Two Lithic Features from the Booth Site (14CM406), Comanche County, Kansas” The Kansas Anthropologist 22:15-32