Coffey Site (14PO1)
The site is an important Archaic-age locality on the banks of the Big Blue River north of Manhattan. This was a partnership with the University of Kansas, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Kansas Historical Society. The field school did not yield the expected wealth of Archaic artifacts, but it did uncover possible pre-Clovis-age remains and served to reestablish the importance of preserving the Coffey site
180 volunteers contributed 7,055 hours, along with 11 University of Kansas undergraduate and graduate students
Reports: Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2011) “Strong Archeology Brewing at the Coffey Site” Kansas Preservation 33(1):12-14; Marsha K. King (2011) “June 4-19 Are the Dates and Pottawatomie County Is the Place for the 2011 KATP Field School” KAA Newsletter 23(1):12; Virginia A. Wulfkuhle (2011) “Evaluation of the 2011 KATP Field School” KAA Newsletter 23(3):7-10; Melanie Naden (2011) “KATP 2011 Evaluation and Comments from a KAA Crew Chief” KAA Newsletter 23(3):10-12; Rose Marie Wallen (2011) “Photo Crew Report” KAA Newsletter 23(3):17; Mary Conrad (2011) “Rock Creek 2011 KATP Lab” KAA Newsletter 23(3):18-20; Mary Conrad (2011) “2011 KATP Evening Programs” KAA Newsletter 23(3):21-23; Frederic Sellet (2011) “A Coffey Break …” Kansas Preservation 33(3):16-18